Sunday, September 6, 2009

*A Typical Day in My Online Course*

Well first of all, I'd like to say that this is my very first 100% ONLINE course! I have had some courses that were kind of 50%/50% type of deal.

A typical day in my online class session usually consists of me coming home after a long day filled with a lot of traditional classroom based classes. I am taking a heavy load of 19 hours this semester and I love that this class does involve me actually having to get out of my bed! I am usually online working on all my LTEC 3440 assignments either on my bed right before I get read to call it night, or when I am at work and caught up with most of my work or if it is a slow day and I have a little free time.

Like I mention previously this is my first online course. This course is very different from the norm of traditional sit in the classroom courses. In the traditional courses you have to sit there and can not have your cell phone outs, you can't talk during class, you can't listen to your music while you work and so you can not really multi-task. However, in a online course you can get 5 things done at once!

As you can see here I could be working on my weekly assignments, working out, reading, having a glass of wine, cooking, reading, and taking care of a baby! "Its a Balancing Act!" Haha, Okay I know it is a little over exaggerated but you get my point! In an online course you can work on your own time and this is the best part for me because I am a very busy person and I usually am up late so I love being able to get online and complete some of my assignments while I am up! SO FAR... I love having a online class its definitely makes taking 19 hours just a little bit less stressful!

Friday, September 4, 2009

*My Different Learning Styles*

In my "Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire" I scored the my highest ( 7) in Sensing Learners. This means that I have a moderate preference for this one dimension scale.This particular type of learning style likes learning facts, and solving problems by well established methods. We dislike complications and surprises. Sensors resent being tested on materials that was not explicitly covered in class. I feel like this information described me pretty well. I am very hands on and I love to get straight to the factual information. I scored a my second highest in the Verbal learners part. Which means I get more out of words. Such as written and spoken explanations. This information is also true for me. I learn the most by writing and re-writing the information. It helps me to memorize more efficiently.

When I took the "What's your Learning Style" Questionnaire I scored mostly b's which meant that I was an Auditory learner. Auditory learners learn by listening and hearing. They can sit where they hear but need not to pay attention to what is going on in front of them. Auditory Listeners also, acquire knowledge by reading out loud and remember things by verbalizing lessons out loud to themselves.This is partially true for me. Although I learn best my listening and watching as well.

In the Kolb's Learning Style Inventory my results said that I was an "Organizer". Organizers are good at adapting to change. They also solve things in a trial & error manner. Organizers are at ease with new people, enjoys small group discussions and likes to try anything new. All of these traits describe me. One thing that was said about organizer that did not quite describe me was that they like problem solving. I like solving a problem but I like to do it the quickest and easiest way possible!

The last test I took was the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator. My result were "ESFJ". This means that I am slightly expressed extravert, a moderate expressed sensing personality, a moderately expressed feeling and a slightly expressed judging personality. This also described my personality as being a "Provider". Providers are generous entertainers, they give their type to help others, they love to entertain, are outstanding hostesses. In the medical field they would be become great Nurses. This described me very well because I do see myself as a provider. I find joy in helping people because it brings a smile to my face. The prediction of me being a Nurse was also correct because I am a Physician Assistant in the making because providing help to others is a natural part of me. MLK & Eleanor Roosevelt were also "Providers".

Well I defnitely enjoyed taking these tests and learning more about myself! You learn something new everyday and it is even more interesting when you learn new things about yourself.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Expectations for LTEC3440

When I first signed up for this class I was not 100% sure on what it was going to be about. However, after reading through the syllabus that all changed. I expect to learn a lot more about online technology and how to communicate better with others through it. I am kind of excited to finally get my twitter account rolling and also to start blogging. This is my first time ever to blog and I don't mind doing it since it is for school. In this course I expect to recognize the difference in communicating face to face rather than online and how it can come out in different ways. I also expect to further my technology skills. I am excited about this course and I hope to learn a lot of new useful techniques that I will be able to use in the future.
Hello this is Vanessa! my first blog ever!